Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sore Shoulder After Breast Cancer What's The Risk Of Having A Breast Cancer, There Is Couple Pea Size Lumps Near Arm Pit,?

What's the risk of having a breast cancer, there is couple pea size lumps near arm pit,? - sore shoulder after breast cancer

on the side of the chest and the skin is thicker in the upper chest and feel a little sore arm and shoulder. The mammogram test plan in May 23, 2007. I am a kind of concerns, suggestions?


mizz j. said...

It is very important to obtain a mammogram prior to May, you do not want to look for a localized answer.i delay also found pea under my arm and my chest, I had my first mammogram at 6 / 06 months of my birth and 1 month later said it was was ok, but worse, I doc.and to another with a new mammography and ultrasound and biopsy of breast cancer was detected very advanced immflamatory fast.i Thursday 8 treatments of chemotherapy and are now having an impact in a mastectomy and then August, radiation and breast reconstruction, it will be a new woman.so please do not not fear, which can not only lead it.im very happy, he went to another doc. because it saved my life, and I am very happy to live for.good FEAL.

Janie M said...

I am a survivor of breast cancer almost 11 years.The reason I am a survivor's pension because when I discovered that pea lump.I the doctor 2 days later.Call your doctor, and was asking for an initial mammography.
Do not wait until 23 May.
Take any action There are anomalies.
A BISOPY IS THE ONLY way to eliminate cancer.
Good luck and have a great, even if the worst case occurs.

Linda R said...

get a mammogram now. Can harmless, but do not want to wait for danger, as some types of breast cancer spreads quickly. I called and had an appointment next week. Call elsewhere in radiology.

bflogal7... said...

Ask if you can move to ... Or call your doctor and ask .. that respond better when a physician. Did you check your breasts regularly? Do you know how long have you been there? ... This is what self-breast examination is all about ... really know what your breasts every month .. and if you see something new, you can know immediately. .. do not know if what happened is ... but this information is helpful. It could be fibrocystic breast disease that millions of women ... me too. Responds to your menstrual cycle, pain and strange growths. I hope that is what it is ... Call your doctor tomorrow and they do not help to relax the mind in motion before the mammogram this week. Good luck!

ssmindia said...

My sister has breast cancer and is retired, but the delay in passing mamograpy receive for his place in one of his lymph glands and their LYMP has been removed and is now undergoing chemotherapy. Therefore, without delay, the mammogram is not cancer, but still not be delayed and diagonise quickly before it spreads, you will have a life without problems ..

marvin said...

At times during the menstrual period of a woman who appears to such functions. England are only growing. On the other hand, could not then make sure that checked.

High doses of caffeine will make many small pieces in the chest. If you made a lot of Mountain Dew or Red Bull, then you can cause this problem can be yourself. Make adjustments to your diet drink, if applicable.

dontsmok... said...

Unfortunately, tests show that they can have. Growths, which never existed before that a cause for concern and should be investigated as soon as possible. I suggest you consult your doctor to see if it can be seen, especially when you start bigger. This is my little contribution for you.

mark said...

I do not have to wait for a mammogram May. This shows only the pieces that need to be examined to determine what they are.

If your doctor can not test next week, you should treat other physicians or A Woman's Health Center.

Good luck

Char said...

Can every night of mammography? Are there any other unusual symptoms of any kind?
If you suspect is due to lymphoma, which, if you get the best information to:
Best wishes

rocketgi... said...

Yes go to, to learn from a doctor and get a mammgram immediately. The sooner the better. It can be anything. I had something similar, and there was nothing, but it is WAYYYYY Prevention is better than cure!

caffsans said...

Mammography appears when the cancer or not
Try to not worry about until the next and if it is cancer
Thedrez not simply remove a biopsy

gracicat... said...

I was 25 when I had a pea-sized lump in my right breast, by chance, actually. No breast cancer in the family in general. The ball felt like a grain of hardwood under my skin near the armpit. It was painful, but after I found and the left mouse button on it began to hurt. Such thing as a dull pain. I went to my doctor about two hours later to find it. I was afraid it was not cancer, but I thought it would be better to be safe. I am glad that I - what is cancer. I saved a lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed from my armpit. Had not spread, thank God, but who knows what would have happened if I had left more time. Get the mammogram right away! Breast cancer can happen to any woman, regardless of their age ormily history - as I myself discovered.

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