Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cyst Dog Break Have You Ever Had To Use This Medication For Your Dog?

Have you ever had to use this medication for your dog? - cyst dog break

This afternoon, Tuesday 3/31/09, I took one of my chihuahua named Lucy to the vet, because I realized it was s increased development near his rectum, "was not there this morning!
This is Lucy! @ N0 ...
The vet said it was a cyst! Except, was that Lucy is not at all happy and I can not say I blame him! Poor baby, I waited in the room when they brought back and I heard the screams of pain! Anesthetic to numb the area above, then use a large needle into the cyst drain! He said that the reason she called, because after it is empty, which used the peroxide to wash and disinfect the interior of the cyst and told me to burn, too. It broke my heart to hear the screams in thisPain! On this day, the veterinarian Lucy Amoxil 2x a day, and Animax ointment 2x a day. I just came back to take Lucy back to the vet for an exam. He tried to express themselves today on the bit cyst or GO! It was too painful for Lucy, so the vet could not, and no further! He pulled Metacam liquid measured before spraying. 6 days, I felt sad and wants to give Lucy orally once daily for pain and further said that other medications. I was wondering if anyone a dog that had Metacam. Was it effective in the treatment of pain? If you want to do me a favor and STAR this question, I wonder how people may as possible! I would appreciate it! Thank you!

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