Monday, February 1, 2010

Difference Between Brazilian And Phoenix What Is The Difference Between Brazilian Portuguese And Regular Portuguese?

What is the difference between Brazilian Portuguese and regular Portuguese? - difference between brazilian and phoenix

and when I hear of Brazil, because the rate of local population in Portugal, I understand the people, if I go over there and vice versa?


Renato said...

"Me" is good. Brazilians understand why we have difficulties at first. It's just that we are not exposed to their accents.

Although I do not agree that her accent prevented. We are not accustomed to it. I personally think it's beautiful. I hope in the near future we will increasingly become the alternative of Portugal are exposed, and other media. There have been signs in recent years, the Brazilian television or Portuguese origin, with a Portuguese accent. So I think that will change.

A major difference between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese of Brazil is much more European Portuguese nose through the influence of Tupi.

European Brazilian Portuguese differs mainly in terms of the debate. There are also considerable differences in vocabulary and relatively minor differences in grammar and spelling. The ratio is similar to that between British and American English, although regional differences in Brazil are higher than those of the United States.

The most striking differences in the debate, which is used much more European Portuguese and SH ZH (as in fun) sounds Brazilian Portuguese, and some word endings are not usually most pronounced in Portugal, while they are in Brazil. For example, the word saudade, the sadness / nostalgia, it sounds something like: "Saint-oo-DAAD" in Portugal, and the "Saint-oo-daa-Jay" in Brazil. When S reaches the end of a word in European Portuguese, his sh, for, as in Portuguese for "GEYSHA to" speak "to Geys in Brazil, be it the next word begins with a vowel.

Brazilian Portuguese has many words from the languages of African slaves, European languages like French and Italian, Brazilian and indigenous languages such as Tupi and Guarani, especially in place names and the names of the absorbed flora and fauna of Brazil. Examples of words that are different in Brazil and Portugal comboio (PT) / trem (BR) - train (= comboio convoy in Brazil); autocarro (Pt) / Ônibus (BR) - bus, light breakfast (PT) / da morning coffee (Br) - Breakfast.

Grammatical differences in the disappearance of a number of times, as the perfect Brazilian Portuguese. The second person plural is used in Portugal but not in Brazil, and the substance are often used in Brazil and Portugal.

In Brazilian Portuguese as a series of letters C and P are the unwritten become quiet as they are not written but not spoken in European Portuguese. For example, acção (Pt) / Ação (Br) - The action and the optimal (Pt) / ótimo (Br) - optimal. There are some differences in spelling, Brazil including the replacement of O with O and E & D in many words in Portuguese.

Brazilian TV programs and songs are very popular in Portugal, so that the Portuguese are very familiar with Brazilian Portuguese, and only know a little bit difficult, but you can find a certain vocabulary and grammar is a bit odd. Few, however, with European and Brazilian Portuguese are familiar, can be difficult to follow.

Mahh dii said...

The Portuguese is born a regular pure language, language family in America, people who were not the language to America do not read and write only in Portuguese, or noble, a group of hunters who wanted the treasure of Brazil, so that the Portuguese is used for a number of typos and expressions of social status, their descendants, has acquired the same use of language, and has this new way of speaking in Brazil, had also acquired many interactions with the Spanish colonies, the new words, and a new Focus, Brazilian Portuguese, which makes it easier than normal for speakers of Portuguese understand Spanish.

Nate C said...

The differences between Brazil and Portugal mainland, as the differences between the American and British English. People from one country can very well understand that the people on the other hand, the accent and some words are different. (Something like one might say "truck" in the United Kingdom, but "truck" in the United States. "D The way to solve it without too much discomfort.)

As for the accent, some of the things that have me the most to stay:

Portugal: Sound / s / at the end of syllables are more pronounced / sh /. How can a word like "Duas" ( "two" - are very female) "doo-AHSH" (although in Brazil, people do have a strong emphasis in Rio de Janeiro.)

Brazil: more consonants are different, before a weak syllable and pronounced the final / e / long. For instance: "truths" ( "Truth") is pronounced "sea-dah-Jee" (as they probably hear in Portugal, to "see dah-da")

There are a ton of various other, zen but I hope you get the idea.

Me said...

See you reading my answer, some differences between Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and Portuguese (EP). ...

In Portugal, the mean BP and we have much contact with their variants. We are very familiar with their expressions and accent. In this limit, the Brazilians do not see ourselves as easily as they do not have much contact with the EP, really I think prevent that we Portuguese.
But after my experience I have never seen a Brazilian who did not understand my accent.

orange said...

Accents and languages, they understand that just as when you go to the United States and the United Kingdom, which results in OT

Dee said...

It is very similar, but it has its minor differences, but ultimately means that if you speak Portuguese citizens.

Dee said...

It is very similar, but it has its minor differences, but ultimately means that if you speak Portuguese citizens.

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