Monday, December 21, 2009

Furnace Dehumidifier How Can I Get Rid Of Stinky Damp Basement Smell?

How can I get rid of stinky damp basement smell? - furnace dehumidifier

Every time it rains for a few days our basement wet and stinking.
In the basement is from our kitchen and a door. Our stove is also diverted there and smell through the vents.

Our neighbor gave us a dehumidifier this weekend and I was hoping that it will help, but I can not say yet. I lit candles and open windows to ventilate the house.


Avanzi said...

The problem .... Schimmel.

As with most sub-soil in recent years that the effect of moisture in the walls, small leaks, etc., and develops on the surface behind the drywall. Over time, it dries, the form becomes inactive / latent odor disappears. With the rain, the reactive form, because it returns a source of moisture and the smell. To dry the rain, the smell disappears. With the rain - the cycle begins anew.

The first and ensure that the least expensive in the long run that all channels / gutters / downspouts are not blocked and executed correctly, make sure that the note is waiting around the perimeter of your house to the house, so goes the "Water from him. That would solve the problem of humidity in most homes. You see what happens afterwards.

If you want to go further, and if you have dry, an opening near the floor to see what you have there. If mold covers a few inches above the ground, you might want to consider replacing the lower part of the drywall on one leg and to the moisture inunder control. Also, use your nose and see if you can see where they feel more and see if there is a problem.

spartanl... said...

If there is a door in the basement dehumidifier is not likely to help much. Just moisture will continue to bring to the floor. Continue to run the dehumidifier, but near the top of the ladder with plastic. First, put the paper plates with briquettes of coal in every corner of the basement.

It is also safe for the future, that the land around the outside of your home slopes away from. A minimum of 6 "through the first 10" from home. In addition, make sure downspouts to flow for at least 6 'away from home and further.

joseph j said...

attempt to ventilate the cellar by alowing at least one air flow somewhat. Fresh air will help dry some of the humidity and also to remove some of the rancid odor, musk. If you do not allow for ventilation of the basement have at least two exits, as you know, the air movement through space, it takes from one and one. You can also use a dehumidifier, but why not let Mother Nature for you to dry. After drying, it will remain so, unless there is a hole in the floor or walls. The houses are so close now, every day, with sealing and insulation, many households who suffer not the good air circulation. Therefore allergies a lot more people are becoming so

Bone Dry said...

The reason is that, exactly. Although the humidity is always a certain amount of moisture, because it is a basement, the smell. The only danger you have to worry about mold spores through its ventilation ducts into the furnace to travel. My advice-get confidence that corporate seal to determine the origin and the repairs. I guarantee that place in the care of this problem / mildew remediation mold and use a dehumidifier will take place in the summer months, will be the smell of history. It will significantly reduce the moisture in your basement. And make sure that adequate ventilation / circulation again.

greengra... said...

to check whether the dehumidifier to ensure the size of your basement. If it's to early May, a bigger or have a second purchase order to cope with the burden ... they must also absorb the products made from damp closets and basements to Wal-Mart and hardware stores. You can also absorb a few small bowls of baking soda no odors. Good luck!

donna d said...

Clean the basement will with vinegar, which have smell.if windows trying to exempt the basement, on a them.other I have no idear open except cleaning with vinegar.

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