Thursday, January 21, 2010

Solar Powered Refrigerator How Many Solar Panels Would I Need To Power My Home?

How many solar panels would I need to power my home? - solar powered refrigerator

or how many watts? I use much electricity. I have a few lights and a computer, television sometimes. Such as solar panels that I need this all day, and perhaps charge batteries for the night? Air conditioning, fridge and kettle, which still regulate the consumption of electricity.


Anonymous said...

Solar cells produce direct current, not AC. Should recharge a battery, you need an inverter to convert DC to AC.

You have to find what) your peak power (consumption and how long you want to do things and work from there backwards.

Suffice it to say, a ceiling panel is unlikely to be sufficient.

stitched up said...

Are you confused with the solar wind, solar energy is the most widely used for hot water, wind energy, but solar hot water is needed to the roof right direction, or at least much more dependent on exposure to sunlight, the number of people using the water and the amount of direct and indirect light.

M. R said...

The solar system, that advice on the consumption of watts of electricity can provide the basis

M. R said...

The solar system, that advice on the consumption of watts of electricity can provide the basis

M. R said...

The solar system, that advice on the consumption of watts of electricity can provide the basis

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