Monday, January 11, 2010

Knee Hurts In The Morning My Knee Hurts And Is Swollen, Any Ideas Why?

My knee hurts and is swollen, any ideas why? - knee hurts in the morning

I woke up one morning last week, and hurt my knee. It hurts if I do go, but it's worse than I dove, as if I SA-cross for a while legs. It's very swollen, but is remarkable. I have nothing to spoil it all started badly.


j. postal said...

The first thing that comes to mind is a meniscus injury. Meniscus can be countered in a variety of shapes, too, twisting, injured or simply on foot. They have torn the meniscus before and now it is just moving and moving.

People with meniscus tears often have difficulties hyperflexing knee (for example), squat, twist or turn suddenly up or down stairs or stand on the side, only the wounded and the twisting of the body / left knee properly.

that nothing would happen if you have some time to themselves to relax (for sports or activities to avoid aggravating the pain), ice, elevation, and certain anti-inflammatory (Motrin). when things do not improve after a few weeks after an orthopedic surgeon.

Good luck

Angely P said...

Your age? very important to ensure its condition.

luv2seas... said...

When I'm knee injury in this position, he had a torn meniscus and two operations. Sometimes it's as simple as a blow to the knee or, possibly, bursitis, which pushes the fluid in the knee and can be painful. Sometimes it hurts, and do not recognize or remember. I had a lot of sports injuries. Arthritis too much pain, especially in cold and wet, and if you do not need too old to have. Get it change your PCP and then he / she can refer you to a specialist. I hope it is low.

MSC Lieu said...

You need to grow something, if you have an injury many years ago that they had forgotten to have done. Try (some ice not less than 10 minutes and not more than 20 minutes) and Advil or Motrin - Ice cream and medication for the inflammation - and you will see your document as soon as possible. Inflammation and pain is telling you something is wrong, it is discovered before the situation.

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