Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Causes Of Excess Stomach Acid Help With A Biology Question Concerning Antacids That Reduce The Amount Of Acid In A Person's Stomach?

Help with a biology question concerning antacids that reduce the amount of acid in a person's stomach? - causes of excess stomach acid

In the course of digestion of the human stomach produces hydrochloric acid, HCl.
Sometimes the excess acid is causing unease. In this case, a person) take antacids such as magnesium hydroxide, Mg (OH 2nd may Explain how this substance reduces the amount of acid in the stomach.

Please help: 10 points for the best answer.


joshbaso... said...

It's simple chemistry. Antacids reduce the amount of acid in the stomach as long as it lasts. You see, acids are lower than in the pH scale. So, the higher the number, the more acidic. The stomach acid such as hydrochloric acid is somewhere between 1-3. Now, an antacid is simply a commodity which is mostly magnesium. Like a number of positive and negative numbers. What mutually cancel. In this case, antacids, only the excess of acid, neutral and leads to their elimination through the digestive system. The rest remains in the stomach and is necessary for the digestion of the remaining material. They are then absorbed by the body through the small intestine and recycled. Do you understand?

Rhianna said...

It simply neutralizes the acid by the stomach. Antacids are aluminum hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, magnesium trisilicate and hydrotalcite. Bases are opposite of acids. Antacids are alkaline chemicals) bases (. When a reaction between acid and base is called neutralization. .

The acid is produced primarily by the stomach to digest food and kill to bacteria. This acid is corrosive so your body is a natural barrier that protects the stomach lining to deteriorate the mucus produced. Neutralization causes the stomach contents less corrosive.

In some people, this barrier is not, so that stomach acid for damages in certain cases can cause ulcers.
Sometimes there is also a problem that prevents the stomach sphincter tightly closed

You should not really do your own homework. This is the only way to eat it!

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